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poetry, writing, and dreams


Home: Welcome


Shattered perfume bottles cloud the floor like yesterday’s empty promises; we pushed through because we believed it was the only way and...


The clusters of stardust that shoot through my veins are not enough; I am not enough- I have overcome enough but of course it was the...

"to be everything"

They gave us the power to be anything so now we are forced to be everything; We are silent superheroes and trying our best while fading...


The sky is white and the sky is blue but my eyes are black and my eyes are salt; these options and voices in my mind scream loudly until...

"the head"

Voices in my head that cannot escape- I am overwhelmed but at least I am happy. The snake sheds its skin but I can never seem to shake or...


It feels quite vain to put it this way but I lost a part of my identity, one that I never quite rebuilt until the threat loomed so...


The woman whose face stares back at me from the ripples begins to speak: you think too much and so that may be true; I consider millions...

"dark summer"

The summer was dark; the sky was filled with thunder and our lips stained with pomegranates and yesterday’s broken promises. We never...

"one more time"

The leaves are green and the grass is melancholy; the sky glows a subtle violet as the sun begins to set for the very last time. I will...

"the last time"

It is that melancholy time again; giving up my freedoms for knowledge that I have already given myself, the structure that I crave but...


A part of me is still fifteen, a part of me is still five and a part of me is fifty although I have not reached her yet; the skull that I...

"the story that has never been written"

Seventeen years of this and millenia to go, gazing at the stars and knowing that is where I came from and that is where I’ll go, these...


She crumples and the salt falls out of her black hole eyes but she holds their gaze on the reflection beneath the ripples and soon she...

"a purpose"

The stars that dot the sky above and the bones that crumple under my feet; as I weave among the trees and try to become the soul I left...

"how to love yourself"

Imagine losing the one thing that others loved about you- strand by strand your identity unravels and your pretense of acceptance falls...


I cry on public transportation after I refused to get my license when I was sixteen and I cry under fluorescent lights after I refused to...

"my words"

My words leave my body like the skin of a snake, I shed sometimes and every word decides today is the day to be expressed, to be released...


I cannot live on a fantasy, I cannot glide atop waves and land straight when the board is imaginary and the base is a figment of the...

"those days"

We rest under willow trees and chase dragonflies around the dim and shallow pond and yet somehow our hearts have been carved so a hole...

"maybe next time"

Maybe next time the stars will fuse, maybe next time we won’t be as bruised. The truth has fallen out of the mouth of the sky and yet...

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